Sunday, January 25, 2009

Altered Crystal Light container; Word of the Year

Fearless. I was challenged by another blogger to pick a one word theme for the year. A lot of words came to mind: content (I've pretty much got that one down), giving (of my time, money and abilities), social (I've become a little reticent about large gatherings), and so many more. But after much musing, I decided I wanted to be fearless this year. Scripture says God's perfect love casts out fear, yet I am so often strong armed and bound up by fear. Fear of failure, mostly. For example, for a very long time I've said I was going to have a card sale and try to get off the ground a (very small) business selling handmade cards and other paper crafts. I told myself (and my very encouraging husband) I would do it when I had 400 cards made and in stock. Funny thing is, once I got to 367, I started giving them away as fast as I could make them. I realized I was afraid of failing. So I'm going to take a leap of faith, and begin a year of fearless living! How about you...what one word theme could you give to your year that might change the way you live? I'd be delighted to hear...leave me a comment.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJ

Okay, enough rambling. Here's a simple (took about 10 minutes) altered Crystal Light container that I am going to fill with chocolate and some craft embellishments for my youngest daughter for Valentine's Day. Beth is my cohort in crime in the craft room. She likes to be here as much as I do and she's one of the few people I know who can make as big of a mess as I can when working on a project. Right now, she's finishing up a calendar and this is what her table looks like.
Hope you have a wonderful (fearless) week!
Marie with a :-)

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