(I think this old school flower punch is one of my favorite card making go-tos.)

What a fun birthday I had. From the moment my sweet husband said "I'm yours...speak and I'll do..." to shopping at ARCHIVERS with my very artsy daughter Beth and an Archiver's gift card...to the dinner made for me by my family...I was feeling very blessed and it was easy to feel joy. But I know all too well the emotions my sister (and friend) is experiencing right now - she's discouraged and believing some lies about herself...no, not lies that anyone else is speaking, but lies that the enemy of her soul is whispering "you're not good enough, you can't keep up..." and other deceitful words.. When we begin to believe these things about ourselves, the result is major depression. I'm praying for her, that she will believe the truth that she is a beautiful, amazing, talented, smart, compassionate, giving, cares-for-others kind of girl. If you have a moment, stop by her blog and share some words of encouragement. Words are powerful...in them is the power of life and death, according to the Bible - so bless her with some life-giving words!
Thanks for stopping by,
Marie with a :-)
Your card is so darling and what a great pick me up it will be for your sis. I'm so glad you had such a great birthday.
Awwww Happy Birthday Marie!!! Maybe one day WE can shop at Archivers together...:0)
LOVE the card....and so sorry about Samie...I will have to stop but and give her some love too!
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